So... we're having a baby. I know for me, it didn't really sink in until we had our first appointment. We had to wait until I was just over 9 weeks along to see the OB for the first time. Hubby didn't want to tell anyone until we were past 12 weeks, just to be safe, and although I knew it would be hard, I agreed. I'm kind of a lush, so it was super hard to act normal. We had a few parties between the first test and when we would tell everyone, so I thought for sure everyone knew I was pregnant! I think the hardest part was not telling my mom right away.
I had a work trip scheduled for the middle of August, the week before our first appointment, and I knew the best thing for me would be to tell my boss while I was in the office. Since I work from home, I go in about once every three months. By the time my next visit rolled around, I would probably be 5 or 6 months along, and I knew I couldn't wait until then to tell her. Of course, I wanted to tell my mom first, so the day before my trip, she came over for lunch and we gave her a present: a baby picture frame and a onesie outfit that said "Going to Grandma's". She was surprised, but very happy!
My work trip was the longest week of my life! I was so excited to go to our first appointment, I couldn't wait to see our little bug and make sure everything was OK! We had our appointment on 8/27 and I wasn't sure if they would do an ultrasound or if they would just listen for the heartbeat. I was really hoping for an ultrasound! After getting the third degree from our nurse about our family histories, it was time for Baby T's closeup!
Little Baby T's first picture! |
At first, she couldn't get a good picture because, surprise surprise, I had to pee! After a quick trip to the ladies room, we were good to go. We heard the heartbeat for the first time, and I cried, I was so happy. Then came the picture, our little blob! It was so hard to make anything out, but I was so happy, I didn't care! Plus, we were thrilled to find out there was only one bug in there!
Our next appointment wasn't until September 18th, at 12 weeks. Since we had decided to wait until we were 12 weeks to tell, we started talking about different ways to tell our families. We had so many different ideas, but eventually settled on an idea. We wanted to have everyone over for lunch or dinner, and then take a picture. Hubby would take the picture, and instead of "Say cheese!" he would say "Everyone say Jessica's pregnant!" I thought it would be cute to get everyone's reactions to the news!
Our appointment went great! We had our 2nd ultrasound, and got to see Baby T moving around and hear the heartbeat again.
Profile of Baby T |
Since our families are usually pretty busy in the fall, we ended up having to meet each of them separately for ice cream. When we told them all, my sister claimed she knew it, and so did my FIL. I guess hindsight is 20/20! We showed them all the pictures, and everyone was so excited! It's the first grandchild in my family, so I know my mom and dad are thrilled!
When it came time to let the rest of the world know, I knew exactly how I wanted to tell everyone. I am addicted to Pinterest, and I found the funniest announcement I've ever seen. Mark loved it too, so I was convinced! The only thing that worried me was I thought some people wouldn't think it was funny... but I don't really care what others think, so we went for it. The morning after we told hubby's family, I posted this:
It was a hit! Plus, it's actually how we both felt once we realized my eggo was preggo.
Now let's talk how I've felt the since we found out. I actually had no idea I was pregnant, until I peed on the stick. Aunt Flo wasn't late; she was actually due to arrive the day I took my at home test. I had been feeling kind of crampy and irritable, so I thought for sure she was coming that weekend. The one thing that threw me off, and looking back, I should have known, was that I constantly had to pee. Now, I normally pee a lot, because I drink a LOT of coffee and I also drink a lot of water. But this was different. I would have to pee after I had just peed, not more than 15 minutes later! Another thing looking back was that I wasn't that interested in coffee. At the time, I chalked it up to the fact that our BUNN was out for service, and I was using the Keurig, which is nice, but it's no BUNN. After I took the test, I started to realize how exhausted I was all the time. I would go to bed at 8:30 or 9 at night, which is so unusual for me! I'm a night owl! Other than that, I was feeling fine.
Eventually though, I started to have a little mild morning sickness. I didn't throw up at all, but was so sick to my stomach, and didn't really feel like eating at all. For one week, the only thing that was appetizing was Lucky Charms. Then, one day, it was disgusting. The same with eggs, coffee, chicken, pork chops... pretty much everything. I could eat something one day and it was the most delicious thing ever, and the next? No way. Then came the headaches. Ugh they stuck around for a while! Luckily they've been much better lately! All in all, I would say I had a great first trimester!
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12 weeks |
14 weeks |