Sunday, December 29, 2013

Little Things

I know it's been a while since I've posted and this post is going to be short.  With the holidays almost over, I'm hoping things calm down enough for me to get back to a regular blogging schedule! 

In less than a week, my baby girl will be 9 months old... and I will be planning her big 1st birthday party!  Where did the time go?  It seems like just yesterday I was taking pictures of all the little things I wanted to remember forever...

Her tiny hands stole my heart...
and her tiny feet ran away with it.
Beautiful big eyes
Her tiny belly button, where we were connected for so long
Tiny ears, covered in hair!  Don't worry, it's all gone now :)
The cutest mullet I've ever seen!
The most adorable baby nose I've ever seen
Perfect pout
Love those lashes

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our NICU Story: Home

Lilly turned one week old on April 11th, and we celebrated with amazing news - Lilly was going to be discharged the next day.  The doctors had done some blood work that day and it looked great, so she just had to finish up her last antibiotic treatment on Friday around 2 in the morning, and we'd get to bring her home!  We were so excited!

I had been so bummed because I was really looking forward to having her pictures taken by Bella Baby, and thought that because she was in the NICU she wouldn't get the chance.  They came around on Thursday and asked if we were interested, and of course I said yes!  We set up the time for them to come by the next morning.

I could hardly sleep that night.  We were finally going to be home, all under one roof!  I couldn't wait.  I was a little upset because Mark had taken off work the entire week, assuming that we would be home with Lilly, but she spent it in the NICU instead.  I was really sad because he wouldn't get to spend that time with her.  I was a little nervous too, but my mom was going to come up the week Mark went back to work, then the next week my dad was going to come up for a few days as well.

So excited to bring our baby girl home!

The morning of April 12th, we woke up early, showered and got ready, and went to the hospital to bring our baby girl home.  We spent some time with our favorite nurse, going over all the discharge paperwork, the 'How to Care for Your Newborn' book they give all parents, and basically asking any last minute questions we could think of.  How do you heat up breast milk?!  How do we use a bulb syringe?!  You're really just going to send us home with her - no instruction manual?  And we have to keep her alive?  It was finally hitting me... holy shit.  We were responsible for this tiny human.

We tried taking some pictures with the Bella Baby people, but it was basically a shit show.  Lilly cried for almost all the pictures.  She was either wet, dirty, hungry, cold, or tired... or all of the above at once.  It was a disaster.  I think when I got the proofs, there were 11 total pictures.  I was upset, but I knew I'd rather have someone come to the house to take the pictures anyway.

All snuggled up ready to go home!

We started packing up all of Lilly's things.  It's amazing how much you can accumulate in 8 days!  After we got everything packed up, Mark went to get the car.  I asked Christa one last time for some help getting Lilly into her car seat (are you sure you want to send her home with me?) and before I knew it, we were wheeling her out of the hospital and putting her into the car.  I sat in the backseat and said a silent thank you that we'd had enough foresight to pick the house so close to the hospital.  I knew Mark would be driving about 5 MPH on the way home.

Cuddled in her swing
Lilly had fallen asleep on the very brief ride home, and we brought her in and immediately looked at each other and thought "WTF do we do now?!".  First on the agenda was to put our little angel in her swing.  Second was to get some food.  Mark ran to Five Guys because I now had the appetite of an NFL lineman - thanks breastfeeding!  When he got home, we sat together and ate our first meal as a family of three.  We spent the next 72 hours falling completely and totally in love with this wonderful tiny human.  It was amazing.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

25 Days of Christmas: Part 1

1. Tree
1. Tree - I took this photo in our entryway, looking at the tree from the mirror we have hanging there.  I love how it almost looks like you're looking through a window.

2. Lights
2. Lights - I took this photo trying to capture the Christmas tree bokeh.  It was around 4 PM.  I chose to focus the camera on the snow globe in order to get the pretty bokeh in the background.  I love how the snow in the globe is half settled and still floating around.

3. Ornaments
3. Ornaments - This picture wasn't one I was trying to take.  I wanted a picture of the glitter globe ornament, lit from behind.  What I got instead I like so much more!  I love the detail in the branches of the tree and how my red bow looks like it's a part of the globe ornament. 

4. Decorations
4. Decorations -  This photo is of our centerpiece for our dining room table.  I wanted to capture some more bokeh in the background, and my little trees were perfect for it.

5. Red
5. Red - I took this picture of the wreath on our front door.  I love how the red is just so bright!  Let me tell you how much I LOVE taking pictures when the sun is out.  It makes for much better pictures since I'm still learning how to use all the different settings on my camera!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Our NICU Story: Days 1-8

Where were we... oh yes.  I was hoping that after being evaluated by the NICU doctors and nurses that everything would settle down and we'd get Lilly in my room.  When we went to see her on my way down to recovery, she was having her first bath.  Another piece of my heart was ripped away.  She was screaming the entire (minutes long) visit.  We left to go to my room and settle in for some food - my first meal in over a day.  I ate what I could, and tried to keep from crying.  My family stayed for a bit, and then left.  Mark and I headed to the NICU to spend some time with our baby girl.  I got to feed her for the first time and finally have some skin-to-skin cuddles.  Stefanie, the first nurse we met, explained all the monitors, tests, etc.  The doctor and nurses said that sometimes the stress of a long labor and quick delivery can cause issues.  They also explained that it could be an infection due to my water being broken so long before she was born.  They did some blood work and some cultures, and we would probably know the results the next day.

Delirious with lack of sleep, but so happy to FINALLY hold my baby girl.

We stayed with her in the NICU until around 10 PM, then headed back to my room to try to get some rest.  The nurses were going to call me when she woke so I could come feed her.  The first 24 hours after she was born is basically a blur to me.  I don't really remember much except sitting in the NICU with Lilly curled up on me (and fighting Mark over who got to hold her).  My nurses and the OB/GYN on call had to keep coming to the NICU to find me to check on me.  We had some visitors the next day, my family and some of Mark's.  We could only have two people at a time in to see her.

I was going to be discharged on Saturday, and we were waiting for the results of her culture and blood work to see if she could come home with us.  We woke up Saturday morning excited, and while the culture was negative, her white blood cell count and some other things were still elevated, all signs pointing to an infection.  She had to have more antibiotics and more blood work.  Although I was discharged, we could stay in the room until 11:30 PM.  We left around 9, went to Target for some girl outfits and pink blankets and bows, and hoped that Lilly would be coming home on Sunday.  When we went in on Sunday morning, hoping for good news, we were disappointed.  She definitely had an infection and needed a full 7 day course of antibiotics.  My heart was broken, and I sat there and cried.  Luckily, she had already had two days, so we could bring her home on Friday if everything went well.
Hoping to bring her home, but settled for snuggles

That week was so rough.  Our next five days were spent planning everything in 2-3 hour chunks of time.  At first, I was having the nurses call me at night when Lilly woke up and we would rush off to feed her.  Once my milk came in, I was pumping and eventually made the very difficult decision to let the nurses give her bottles of pumped milk at night so we could actually get some sleep.  We are so very lucky that we live so close to the hospital.  We could be up and out the door and in the NICU within 5-8 minutes.

Kisses from mommy
Lilly had two different kinds of antibiotics that week.  We also had to monitor her blood sugar levels for a few days to make sure she was getting enough food.  She was jaundiced as well, and that took a while to clear up - she was close to having to spend some time under the lights.  Normally, babies lose about 10% of their birth weight, but then regain it within 7-10 days.  When you're in the NICU, they monitor things so much more closely.  We had to weigh her once a day.  Sometimes before and after a feed.  We had to save diapers and weigh them also to make sure she was getting enough to eat.

I know some people will think, "Well she only spent 8 days in the NICU - there are some babies that spend months there.  What's the big deal?  It was just a little infection, nothing serious."  My response is that she was septic.  That IS a big deal.  Sepsis is a leading cause of infant death.  That is scary.  My entire world was laying in the NICU, and I was devastated that there was nothing I could do for her except watch while she was poked and prodded.  One day, our favorite nurse Christa called and said they needed to place a new IV.  She said it shouldn't take too long, about 15-20 minutes, and she'd call when they were done so we could come feed her.  We had been napping and decided to take advantage of our extra time.  When I woke up an hour later to no phone call, I was worried.  Christa called again and said they were having some trouble placing the IV.  It took over an hour and a half (and several nurses), and she ended up with her entire hand bandaged up in what we affectionately called her boxing glove to keep the IV in.  Seeing her little hand restrained broke my heart all over again. 
Lilly's boxing glove

I'm so grateful for my family.  They were so supportive the entire week.  My mom kept Dash because he was so confused about why we kept coming and going so often.  My husband deserves so much credit for keeping me sane during those 8 days.  He drove me back and forth to the hospital since I couldn't drive.  He comforted me when I cried - even when I cried over the dumbest things.  He made me eat and drink and shower and sleep.  I would have sat in a chair by her bassinet in the NICU for 8 straight days if not for him. 

My wonderful husband

We are both so eternally grateful for the staff at the hospital as well.  The nurses there are a special kind of amazing.  They are patient and loving and kind and there are not enough words in the world to express how thankful I am for everything they did for me and my family.

On Lilly's one week birthday, we got some GREAT news!  We could finally bring our baby home... 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Our NICU Story: Birth

I've been thinking about this post for a long time.  I wanted to share our experience after Lilly was born.  Some of you may know that we didn't get to bring her home right away.  She was born on April 4th, but came home on April 12th.

When my water broke, I had no idea what was in store for us.  I called the doctor's office to let them know, and was told to come in to the hospital as soon as I could.  Right away, I was upset.  Mark wouldn't be home from work for at least an hour, so I told them I was staying put until my husband got home.  I also had wanted to labor at home as long as possible, and that option just went out the window.  I knew when my water broke that there was a good chance we weren't going to have the birth experience I had dreamed of.  And we didn't.  But it's ok.  I read something not long ago that really made me feel better about my birth experience - every baby is born just the way they need to be born.  And for Lilly, it meant me being hooked up to monitors, laying in one position, not having the natural, drug free labor I envisioned.  It's a good thing I caved (I did make it 17 hours drug-free, and 19 hours before I asked for an epidural though - I have to brag on that at least).  If I hadn't, I think it would have taken me a lot longer to progress, and who knows what state Lilly would have been in at that point.

When Lilly was born, she scored a 1 on the APGAR test.  The cord was wrapped around her neck, loosely though.  Mark cut the cord before she was completely out.  They placed her on my chest and very quickly took her away.  My brother said he had heard the doctor say "It's a girl!", but my sister said she didn't hear her crying.  She did hear them paging for more nurses and then NICU nurses/doctors.  I didn't hear anything - I was worried about my baby, and also trying to ignore what my doctor was doing to me.

After what seemed like an eternity, they placed my little girl in my arms.  The NICU doctor came over and explained what was going on.  Her heart rate was elevated and her breathing was very rapid.  They had given her oxygen but they wanted to take her down to examine her.  I was heartbroken.  No skin to skin, no immediate breast-feeding.  No pictures of us as a family.  No meeting Nana and Papa and Aunties and Uncle.  I felt like I had been robbed.  My family came in for a short period while I held her, but it was less than 5 minutes and she was gone.  Mark went down with her and took pictures of her being weighed and measured, and then had to decide who needed him more.  Since I'd had the epidural, I couldn't go down to recovery with her.  We went down probably close to two hours after Lilly was born.  Honestly, I can't remember all the details after she went down to the NICU.  It's kind of a blur.  I had been awake for 36 hours and I was exhausted.  I really hoped everything was just a false alarm and we'd have her in my room that night.

Basically, I wasn't prepared at all for the next eight days.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Monthly Pictures

I thought I'd post Lilly's monthly pictures for 4-7 months since I haven't written any monthly favorites lately.  I don't think I'll continue with those, since she really just plays with and uses a lot of the same things from month to month now.  The picture for month 8 will come at a later date.  I need help getting her measured!

I hope you enjoy!

Catching Up

So... what have we been up to these past few months?  So many things have happened, it's kind of crazy!

I left off in July with a post of some photos I took shortly after Lilly turned three months old.  We were heading to a wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding for a beautiful bride - inside and out.  I miss her so much.

Lilly has had so many firsts since then.  She sits on her own.  She eats solid food.  Said her first word, mama.  Got her first tooth (and then a second)!  Started crawling.  First Halloween.  First Thanksgiving.  First Christmas tree.  So many amazing new experiences.  It's been the most exhilarating, unpredictable ride.  I love this little girl more than words can express.  She is my whole world.  And I wouldn't change a thing. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

25 Days of Christmas

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So as I've said before, I'm trying to learn how to use my camera better.  What is the point of having it if I never use it?  As I was browsing Pinterest the other night, I came across a photo challenge for Christmas.  The goal is to take one picture of something Christmas related for 25 days.  I'll be posting my photos, but I haven't decided yet whether I'll do one big post or break it down into a few.  Anyway, here is the photo challenge!

25 Days of Christmas Photo Challenge
  1. Tree
  2. Lights
  3. Ornament(s)
  4. Decorations
  5. Red
  6. Green
  7. Silver
  8. Gold
  9. Nativity
  10. Santa
  11. Stockings
  12. Snow
  13. Sparkle/Glitter
  14. Gift
  15. Angel
  16. Warmth
  17. Snowman
  18. Reindeer
  19. Bells
  20. Wreath
  21. Cookies
  22. Candy Cane
  23. Giving
  24. Family
  25. Celebrate

Hiatus + Bloglovin

So... I've been gone for a while!  As it turns out, life with a baby is hectic!  Throw in a full time job and a house and husband to take care of, and that leaves little time to blog.  I'm really going to try to make this at least a weekly priority going forward though.  I really need and deserve some me time, so I'm hopeful that this will be part of it.

Things have been crazy hectic in our house.  When I last posted, Lilly had just turned three months old.  In two days, she will be EIGHT months old!  So many things have happened since then!  Mark has been working overtime, so we have a lot to do on the weekend.  Everything that doesn't get done during the week is squeezed into a very short 48 hours.

While I work on a few new posts, check me out - I'm on Bloglovin!  Click the link and follow me! :)

Follow me on Bloglovin!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I read a blog the other day that said if you enjoy photography the best way to get better at it is to take pictures every single day!  I'm not quite there yet - I do have a full time job, home and family to take care of - but I'm trying!  Here are some pictures I took yesterday of Lilly.  I'll be posting my favorites on the blog so I don't annoy all my FB friends by constantly creating albums!

Happy Hump Day friends... only one more day of work for me, and then I'm off for a wedding! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Three Month Pictures

About a month or two after we found out I was pregnant, Mark and I started looking at DSLR cameras.  I really wanted a nice camera because my Kodak point and shoot was quite a few years old and I knew I'd want to take pictures of Baby T with something more than my cell phone.  We were really close to buying one on Black Friday, but we didn't actually get around to buying one until March.  I wish we had gotten one sooner, then I could have actually learned how to use it BEFORE Lilly arrived, but hindsight is 20/20... 

Anyway... here we are, three months after Lilly's birth, and I'm just getting around to learning how to shoot in... gasp... manual!  I was terrified of using settings other than auto, but I found some really good tutorials (off Pinterest, of course) and have been testing them out on my favorite subject.  This weekend, I did a photo shoot with Lilly for her three month pictures:

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend - we really enjoyed ours!  We are looking forward to a short work week, and a wedding on Friday!