So, we're expecting baby #2. It was not quite a surprise this time around. We had been talking about expanding our family for a while, and both knew we'd like to try for #2 in January. I planned to start charting to learn a little bit about things before January. One night in October, Mark told me that if we started trying before January, he wouldn't be that upset. We both wanted another, so might as well get it over with sooner than later, right?
Little did we know it'd be RIGHT AWAY! Much like Lilly, we were a little surprised it didn't take longer. Just call me Myrtle.
There they are... those two life-changing lines. |
So about a week or so before my period was due, I had some weird symptoms, and just knew I was pregnant. I had some spotting and was super emotional (crying at random things). I bought a few tests and took them, but they were negative. I wasn't super disappointed, but I did go out and get another box. It was pretty early, but since Mark's birthday was that week, I wanted to surprise him, if I could. I had an idea to do a scavenger hunt for him, with little gifts along with clues, and the final clue being that we had a bun in the oven. So the morning before his birthday, I got up and peed, and when I didn't see anything at first, I was a little disappointed, but walked away. I came back in about 3 minutes later, and BAM! There it was, a very faint second line! I FREAKED out. I think the only things I said for a full 20 minutes were "OMG OMG OMG OMG oh my god oh my god oh my god". The line was pretty faint, so I decided to wait and test again the next morning, on his birthday. The next morning, there was no question about that second line!
I gathered up all the gifts and printed up the clues and hid them. Mark was coming home around 6-6:30, and then we had to make dinner. But the scavenger hunt would be first, since the first clue was taped to the garage door. I was worried he'd know something was up, but he didn't! He got all his clues, and when he got to the last one (taped to a box of brownies in the oven) he sat there reading it, before he looked up and said "OMG really?!?" and gave me the biggest smile and hug ever. Much better than his reaction to Lilly, lol. He said it was the best birthday present ever.
I'm going to try to do weekly posts again with this baby, but let's be honest, I work full-time and have a toddler and a house to take care of. I'm going to try really hard so that this baby has as much documentation as Lilly did though. Since I'm only 10 weeks, I'll probably do one big post for the first trimester, and then start weekly pictures around 15-16 weeks. We'll see!
And there you have it, the story of how we ended up expecting baby #2. Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year!